DSP Warehouse Inc.
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Inventory Management

We pick up merchandise from all airports, container stations, and piers throughout the area. Our experienced drivers do the job right. We are knowledgeable with all the regulations and procedures to speed your merchandise through every dock and deep water pier in the area. Your broker sends the documents to us; we do the rest.


Our warehouse facility and systems work to protect and organize your products for cost-effective inventory storage and efficient order fulfillment. As soon as your inventory is received by DSP, it is eligible to be ordered. You can choose to send materials to one or multiple locations, create packages or kits.


Well-managed companies keep their costs down. DSP Warehouse is your opportunity to save without sacrificing service to your customers. In fact, our combination of strategic location and superior service means you can enhance your customer service and improve your bottom line.


Once an order has been finalized, the shipping process begins. A DSP Warehouse specialist carefully audits and packs the items to make sure the last detail is correct and that the package(s) will arrive at its destination in perfect condition.

We understand accuracy of data is crucial when it comes to making informed decisions. Our "3PL WHS" allows you to track real time inventory at any time. You can be confident your reports are always built upon the latest data. 
DSP Warehouse Inc.